Code of Ethics
Our purpose
Our Code of Ethics reflects our values and sets the tone of how we work and foster a culture that is necessary to support our mission.
Our mission and values
At Laudes, we support brave action to inspire and challenge industry to harness its power for good.
This Code of Ethics builds on the values that underpin our everyday work at Laudes and remain central to our culture, which are:
We believe that each of these values is equally important to our mission, and we strive to promote these values throughout our activities.
Our people
The health, safety and well-being of our staff are paramount to our success and we are committed to providing everyone with an inspiring, safe and healthy working environment.
We are committed to treating all people with respect, dignity, fairness, equality, courtesy and open-mindedness. We promote and integrate Gender, Equity and Inclusion (GEI) into our way of working with the aim of achieving a more just and equitable society.
Laudes has implemented a Non-discrimination and Anti-harassment Policy that aims to ensure that staff can safely report any violation thereof.
Our partners and operations
Laudes carefully selects its business partners and projects that contribute to its mission and share the same values, and may subject any third party to due diligence or screening processes to ensure the same.
We recognise a fundamental duty of care towards all children and vulnerable people that may be impacted by our work. We abide by our Safeguarding Policy in an effort to protect children and vulnerable people from abuse, neglect and exploitation and expect the same from our business partners.
We design our operational frameworks with sustainability and fairness in mind, in particular in our procurement and travel processes, recognising that the transition to a just and regenerative economy begins within our own organisation.
Our compliance
In the pursuit of our mission, we hold ourselves to the highest standards of integrity and ethical behaviour. We comply with the laws applicable to us.
Laudes strives to be transparent and honest in its business operations, and applies a Conflict of Interest Policy to avoid or address any potential, perceived or actual conflicts of interests.
We do not tolerate any kind of corruption, bribery or kickbacks. We encourage anyone with a concern about unethical behaviour or practices taking place in the context of our work to report these to We protect whistle-blowers in accordance with our Whistle-blower Policy.
We respect our staff and partners, including their privacy and treat personal data carefully in accordance with the EU General Data Privacy Regulation.