To accelerate a green, fair, and inclusive economy, we need a profound shift in the mindsets and behaviours of decision-makers across business, finance, and government. Narratives based on experience, evidence and grounded in solutions have the power to inspire this shift. However, despite an abundance of narratives pushing for a better future, they often fail to engage the very individuals capable of instigating real change.

Our goal is to strengthen and amplify narratives that not only highlight the urgent need for change in a way that is relevant for industry and business leaders, but also equip those leaders with the knowledge and tools necessary to act decisively. We want to make insights turn into action so that climate- and nature-positive practices are the norm.

  • 13%
    Laudes Foundation Icon Story
    more impactful to tell a story than list statistics alone
  • 75%
    Laudes Foundation Icon Media
    believe media influences decision-makers
  • 98%
    Human Thoughts Icon
    of human thought is unconscious


Our commitment is to strengthen and grow powerful narratives that galvanise decision-makers into taking urgent action for a green, fair, and inclusive economy. We carry out that work through one key intervention.

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Strengthen and amplify narratives that drive decision-makers’ sense of responsibility and agency to deliver a just, fair and green transition.

The initiatives we fund strengthen narratives that emphasise the interconnectedness of economics, climate, nature, and equity. We want decision-makers to use this work to champion inspiring new frameworks, models and tools for industry transitions.

Our partners’ work amplifies stories that are currently under-reported. They collaborate with local, national and global news media, centring under-represented voices advocating for organisational and regulatory changes. They also convene decision-makers in government, business, finance and media to bring solutions-driven narratives related to industry transitions to the forefront of leadership discourse, paving the way for more action.

Where we focus

We concentrate our efforts where we believe they can have the greatest impact, such as:

Creating champions: Enabling decision-makers to engage with and champion inspiring new frameworks, models, and tools that can enable just transitions.

Media capacity-building: Building the capacity of editors and journalists to report on the climate crisis across all beats of the newsroom and with stories that increasingly cover solutions and the voices of workers and communities.

•Decision-maker convening: Elevating the visibility of just transitions where decision-makers in business, policy, and finance convene.

Out of scope

To ensure our efforts are focused and connected, certain areas fall outside the scope of our Narratives programme:

  • New economic thinking: Amplifying broad economic theories or economic policy reform not directly tied to industry transitions.
  • Unconnected narratives: Narratives that do not illustrate the intersection between climate, equity, and industry transitions.
  • Public outreach: Initiatives aimed at influencing the broader public rather than decision-makers directly, including supporting public-facing movements and influencing popular culture, such as through films.

What we fund

Explore the initiatives we fund.

View Partner database
Eligibility criteria

Our grants fund partners to work collaboratively on brave initiatives that can contribute to systemic industry change.

Becoming a partner

Doughnut Economics Action Lab

  • €564,462
  • 38 months
  • Grant Active

For supporting work to facilitate regions and businesses to design an economy that operates within planetary boundaries and meets the needs of all.

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Strategy and Communications Group Limited

  • €120,000
  • 10 months
  • Grant Active

For general operating support.

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Amalgamated Charitable Foundation

  • €435,988
  • 16 months
  • Grant Active

This project will pilot the narrative infrastructure needed to consistently and impactfully achieve narrative wins related to just transitions of key industries.

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The B Team

  • €400,000
  • 24 months
  • Grant Active

For supporting the development and delivery of B Team's narrative strategy.

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Swiss Philanthropy Foundation

  • €249,000
  • 19 months
  • Grant Active

For piloting a funder learning journey by creating a primer on new economy ideas and practices to be piloted with foundations and family offices.

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Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting

  • €2,218,917
  • 50 months
  • Grant Active

For the telling of underreported stories of how workers and vulnerable communities are impacted by climate change.

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Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB)

  • €800,000
  • 24 months
  • Grant Active

For making human rights part of daily business by using stakeholder-led stories to shape policy, advance practice and strengthen accountability.

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University of Oxford

  • €1,128,923
  • 36 months
  • Grant Active

For regional expansion and newsroom skills to improve the quality of climate change reporting worldwide.

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RethinkX, Inc.

  • €204,004
  • 13 months
  • Grant Active

For strengthening comms infrastructure to drive dialogues on disruptive tech opportunities and choices for a more equitable and resilient society.

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Strong and diverse partners, focused on learning and improvement, drive greater impact.

Two men at a desk smiling and gesturing at something on a tablet device.

Built Environment

Built Environment



Finance and Capital Markets

Finance and Capital Markets



Labour Rights

Labour Rights