
The urgency to address climate change has never been greater and the finance sector has a pivotal role to play. Currently, the financial sector allocates capital in a way that overlooks the risks associated with climate, nature, and inequality, leading to investments that perpetuate existing business models, escalate the climate crisis and put people and nature at risk.

To unlock the investments necessary to fund a just transition in our focus industries, we need to change the rules that govern the finance sector -  as well as create the market incentives that allow private finance to flow. Investors need to become active owners of their investments – driving companies towards a transition that values people and nature.

  • 1%
    Impact Icon Business Case
    of the listed companies with the highest carbon emissions currently have capital allocation plans aligned with net zero
  • USD 3-5 trillion
    Just Transition Icon
    needed annually until 2030 to secure a just transition
  • 45%
    Private Finance Icon
    of the increase needed could be covered by private finance


Our goal is to drive investment practices and innovations that enable industry transitions while ensuring that people, climate and nature are built into the financial system’s definition of value. We use two interlinked interventions to drive this change.

The facade of an intricate building with pillars, arches and many decorative windows. The view is from a low perspective, with the building towering above and some pillars in the foreground.

Spark innovation and enable the incentives and engagement to mobilise finance in industry transitions.


Our work drives investors to actively drive participants in a just transition across our focus industries. We support initiatives that develop the market conditions and create the incentives that steer capital towards a green, fair and inclusive economy.

Support policies, pathways and accountability mechanisms to unlock the finance system across industry transitions.


We seek to align finance sector rules and norms with the needs of a green, fair and inclusive transition. Our work connects and enables collaboration across a broad range of stakeholders to change economic and financial policies that unlock private finance and improve financial sector accountability. 

Where we focus

Across our interventions, we concentrate our efforts where we believe they can have the greatest impact, such as:

  • Pathways: Aligning finance sector metrics, targets and pathways with an equitable route to Paris goals.
  • Accountability: Improving financial sector accountability.
  • Policies: Changing economic and financial policies that unlock private finance.
  • Innovation: Developing innovative financial mechanisms.
  • Incentives: Advocating for financial models and policies that enable industry change.
  • Engagement: Driving investors to be more active and effective owners.

Out of scope

Areas outside our current focus:

  • Multilateral and development banks reform: Reform to alter these institutions' structures and governance.
  • Individual and wealth taxation: Work related to tax policy reforms focused on individuals or wealth.
  • Financial inclusion and consumer finance: Work to support these two areas.
  • Public spending unrelated to private investment: Activities such as public procurement are outside our focus.
  • Broader economic policies: Economic policy and regulations not tied to Finance.
  • Divestment campaigns: Divestment campaigns aimed at the investor community.

What we fund

Explore the initiatives we fund.

Grants Database
Eligibility criteria

Our grants fund partners to work collaboratively on brave initiatives that can contribute to systemic industry change.

Becoming a partner

Accela Research Ltd

  • €315,000
  • 12 months
  • Grant Active

For overcoming barriers to corporate decarbonisation through finance.

Learn more about this partner

Institut Avant-garde

  • €310,000
  • 36 months
  • Grant Active

For leveraging public sector financing instruments and approaches to drive private financing towards just transitions in Europe.

Learn more about this partner

Dezernat Zukunft e.V.

  • €480,000
  • 25 months
  • Grant Active

For leveraging public sector financing instruments and approaches to drive private financing towards just transitions in Europe.

Learn more about this partner

New Economics Foundation

  • €229,991
  • 13 months
  • Grant Closed successful

For general operating support.

Learn more about this partner

Green Finance Institute Ltd

  • €1,872,813
  • 37 months
  • Grant Active

For establishing property-linked finance markets that can allocate capital towards decarbonising commercial and residential properties.

Learn more about this partner


  • €98,000
  • 12 months
  • Grant Active

For general operating support.

Learn more about this partner


  • €682,396
  • 31 months
  • Grant Active

For driving respect for human rights in Private Equity through engagement and laying the groundwork for a network on human rights and just transition.

Learn more about this partner

United Nations Environment Programme

  • €904,245
  • 21 months
  • Grant Active

For advancing sustainable banking and supporting conducive efforts for policy and regulatory reform in the EU.

Learn more about this partner

Fairshare Educational Foundation

  • €99,760
  • 12 months
  • Grant Active

For enabling asset owners to engage with asset managers effectively in order to align asset manager practices with asset owner expectations.

Learn more about this partner


Strong and diverse partners, focused on learning and improvement, drive greater impact.

A close up view of orange thread, knotted and going in all directions

Built Environment

Built Environment





Labour Rights

Labour Rights

