07 February 2019 LESSONS Labour rights

Management of Long-Term Support/Education Support for the Children of Dead and Missing Workers of Tazreen Fashion

A close up of people in bright clothing holding hands

In January 2015, C&A Foundation and Li & Fung Foundation jointly set up a trust fund, the Tazreen Factory Victim Workers’ Children Welfare Fund (TCWF) to provide financial support covering basic needs for the 89 children of missing or deceased workers from the 2012 Tazreen factory disaster in Bangladesh

The objective of the financial support provided is to cover the needs (educational, medical and other basic, needs-oriented expenses) of the minors who lost at least one of their parents in

  • A monthly allowance (around USD 15) provided to the legal guardian by cheque, to cover education and other petty expenses
  • A fixed deposit (lump sum – USD 35 per month and accumulated interest) for each child beneficiary once they reach 18 years old


Partner: Caritas Bangladesh

Investment: EUR 500,000 approximately (EUR 258, 000 by C&A Foundation and EUR 242,000 by Li & Fung Foundation)

Duration: 3.5 year (2015-2018)

Geographic region: Bangladesh


The initiative has fairly unique and experimental elements making it relevant, both for the needs of beneficiaries’ and partners

The Trust Fund is unique and distinguishes itself from other sources of support received by Tazreen workers in that it combined periodic payments with a longer-term support for children of the industrial disaster victims

The amount of the stipend specifically targeted for education was well suited to the needs of the families

Initiative target of 100% has been achieved with enlisted children continuing their education 

The generation of children covered was the first one to go to school 

Families’ awareness on financial options and savings was raised which were unintended positive outcomes

Despite a valid and innovative mandate, the initiative missed a few opportunities such as guidance on use of accumulated funds

Lumpsum payment is an appropriate strategy and requires improved guidance and orientation for youth turning 18 years

Psychosocial support was provided to children but not adequately resourced to fulfil its objective 

The monthly allowance adequately covered education expenses but did not cover health expenses that are costly in Bangladesh 

Children who could have benefited from vocational education did not express a need to access vocational/technical education

What did we learn?

C&A Foundation

Partnering with organizations that have strong local presence and capacity for initiatives responding to unforeseen events is a key ingredient for success

Reported to be an exemplary initiative and to increase its visibility, the Tazreen Workers Claims Fund must be promoted as good practice in the area of industrial disaster victim support

For Partners & Others

Periodical payments have proven to be a useful modality; functioning as a complementary source of income and social safety net for the affected families

Integrating close monitoring and follow-up by third-party organisations will ensure the funds are used for the originally intended objectives 

Targeted psychosocial counselling sessions for the most vulnerable beneficiaries in response based initiatives must be given on a case to case basis to increase the quality of support 

Provision of guidance for young adults turning 18 years is important for them to access sustainable livelihood or employment opportunities